
All the info you need to get your child signed up today.

Thank you for your interest in Al Azhar School. We are thrilled that you are considering Al Azhar as a school of choice for your children! With Allah’s help and then your support, Insha’Allah, we can, together, sow the seeds of success for our young ones, giving them strong foundations in knowledge.


Pre-enrolment visit:

Parents are welcome to visit the school and see us in action before confirming attendance of their children. If you would like to arrange a visit please contact us via email to arrange a suitable time.


The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: The best gift from a father to his child is education and upbringing.

Al Azhar School provides classes for boys and girls aged 4+.

Apply Online Here

Online registration Form: A registration form must be completed to ensure your child can take up a place at the school.

The annual fee for 3 school terms:

**No Registration Fee

  • 1st child is £550+£45 for books
  • 2nd child is £500+£45 for books
  • 3rd child is £450+£45 for books
  • 4th child is free+£45 for books

The annual fee is divided into 3 instalments, should be paid at the beginning of each term. 

Cancellation policy:

In case of cancellation, The term payment isn’t going to be refunded if your child already joined the school and then suddenly you changed your mind but if you paid the term fee before your child starts and then you want to withdraw your child from the school before his actual start with us, then we are able to refund the term fee-only however you will be charged £30 cancellation fees.

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